martes, 30 de noviembre de 2010

Disparador para cámaras casero, activado por sonido

Excelente proyecto que con un poco de pericia y paciencia, se puede desarrollar, para tomar esas fotos que requieren ser tomadas en el instante justo, con absoluta precisión, basándose en las variaciones sonoras de nuestro escenario u objeto a fotografiar.

DIY Sound-Sensitive Camera Trigger Takes Photos at Just the Right Second

If you have a few electronics skills under your belt, you can make an advanced, Arduino-based trigger that responds to sound instead of pressure.

Instead of having to place your object on a pressure-sensitive plate, this model works on sound—so the action being photographed needs to produce some sort of noise—but it broadens the number of things you can shoot. It works in a similar way as our previously mentioned model, closing a circuit that sets off a camera flash when it detects a noise. It's a pretty neat photo experiment if you have the necessary tools, so check out the video above for a more detailed explanation (and a few cool demonstrations).


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